Planar Magnetic Headphone Tips From The Top In The Business

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작성자 Latonya
댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-04-13 10:04


hifiman-arya-full-size-over-ear-planar-magnetic-audiophile-adjustable-headphone-43.jpgPlanar Magnetic Headphones

Planar magnetic headphones produce uniform soundwaves by using a thin, flat membrane suspended between magnets. This creates a more immersive soundstage, greater detail and a distinct sound signature.

They tend to be more expensive and are harder to drive than dynamic headphones, but they can be worth the investment for audiophiles. You can pick up one for less than $400, like the affordable Hifiman HE-400i or Monoprice Monolith M1070.


With their huge drivers these headphones create soundstages that are extremely wide. These vast soundscapes allow you to hear a much greater amount of detail, resulting in an immersive listening experience. You will be able to better pinpoint the location of individual instruments and vocals in the mix, making them an excellent choice for mixing or studio use.

In addition to their amazing soundstage, the planar magnetic headphones are also known for their amazing bass performance. Their massive drivers can move more air, which allows them to reproduce deep bass notes with amazing clarity and accuracy. This is a huge improvement from the tinny, muddy bass you get when you use the most headphones with dynamic drivers.

Planar magnetic headphones are unique in that they use a flat diaphragm, sandwiched in a conductive pattern between two arrays of magnetic material. When an electrical current is passed through the conductive pattern it creates a magnetic field that causes the diaphragm to vibrate and create sound waves. The magnetic field controls the diaphragm's motion and is evenly distributed over the entire surface. This results in an isodynamic field, which ensures that the movement of the diaphragm is consistent across the entire frequency range.

Planar magnetic headphones are significantly less distortion-free than dynamic headphones because the distortion caused by a dynamic driver comes from the voice coil moving into and out of contact between the diaphragm and voice coil. This means that you will hear the music exactly as the artist intended, even at high volume.

Planar magnetic headphones leak more than open-back dynamic models. This is due to the large diaphragms in these headphones move a great deal of air, and some of it escapes the open back of the headphone. But, if you're listening in a closed space, this shouldn't be an issue.

The decision between planar magnetic headphones and dynamic headphones is dependent on your budget and listening preferences. Planar magnetic headphones are the best choice if you value accuracy, detail and low distortion.


Planar magnetic headphones have gained in popularity with audiophiles over the past few years. They are known for their large sound signature, they employ diaphragms with flat surfaces that move at amazing speed and flexibility to produce superior high frequencies and deep bass. In contrast to dynamic drivers with rigid, rigid driver voice coils, the conductor trace of planar magnetic headphones is fixed to the flat diaphragm's surface and it reacts to the magnetic field produced by two magnets that are opposite. This allows them to reproduce frequencies with greater excursions than other headphones, and without distortion of the driver or damage to the diaphragm when they are used at high volume.

This also results in the flat diaphragm creating a wider, more planar sound wavefront instead of an spherical wavefront that is more focused like dynamic drivers (although some newer, high-end dynamic driver headphones like Focal Utopia are able to extend to 20Hz). The wider and larger soundstage of planar magnetic headphones provides them with an remarkable ability to bring out the details in recordings. This is particularly noticeable with instruments, where the detail and accuracy that planar magnetic headphones offer allow you to hear each individual string, woodwind note, and piano key clearly, exactly as they were intended by the composer.

Another feature of a quality pair of headphones is the way they reproduce sounds around you. Some headphones let sound leak through the back of the earcup in accordance with whether they're open-back or closed-back. This is not an issue in the majority of cases, but it can cause annoyance to people who are around you while you listen. In this situation it is recommended to choose headphones that are leak-proof or have an optional grille that you can use in public spaces.

Regardless of the type of headphone you pick, it's essential to find the right pair to fit your lifestyle and music preferences. There are many styles, sizes and prices for a planar magnetic technology magnetic headphones that will fit your music preferences.


A planar-style magnetic headphones employs thin diaphragms with conductors strung across various magnets to alter sound waves. The wider wavefront produces more natural and immersive sound with remarkable clarity speed, precision, and speed. They are very heavy and require a dedicated amp to reach their full potential.

In recent years, many specialized HiFi audio brands have brought this old technology back. This allows listeners to enjoy new levels of audio quality. Although they might not appear as sleek and contemporary as the latest models, these headphones are renowned for their deep bass, intimate sound, and exceptional stage depth.

These headphones are comfortable and comfortable to wear despite their dimensions and unique design. The earcups are designed to enclose your ear and block out ambient noise so that you can focus on your audio. They do not clamp around your head or neck as do other headphones. The light build and comfortable earpads are also a big draw for some listeners.

A planar magnetic headphone's price is another drawback. You can find low-cost dynamics headphones, however, many planar models require a separate amplifier/DAC to get the most out of them. This is because they are more complex than their dynamic counterparts and typically require a significant amount of power to move the two magnets around.

Some planar headphones are affordable (such as HIFIMAN's Deva and the AUdeze Venus) However, the majority of them are considered to be high-end, with some of them costing more than $400. It's a big expense if you listen to music only on the move or play games all the time. But for those who appreciate music at its peak the planar headphones provide an excellent listening experience.

The biggest disadvantage of most planar headphones, despite their great sound quality, is the leakage. Dual magnets move in both directions, causing the headphones to leak sound. This can disturb people who are nearby or let outside noises to enter. Certain models are more susceptible to this than others, but it's an issue for all listeners who are looking to listen to the sound of a pair of these headphones in a quiet space.

Noise isolation

For a pair to be termed "headphones" they must be able to isolate your ears from the environment. To achieve this, a high-quality planar magnetic headphone makes the choice of optimum construction materials and a streamlined design to prevent sound from escaping through your ears. This will cut down on the noise that you hear and offer a more immersive experience.

As a rule, planar magnet planar headphones are larger and heavier than dynamic headphones. This is because the driver's own design uses a larger surface area to deliver audio which requires a larger earcup. Boutique HiFi audio brands like to create earpieces using exotic woods and composites.

Planar magnetic headphones work by controlling electrical current through an electrified layer that is sandwiched between two magnets. The magnetic field that is present on each side of the film causes it to vibrate, which creates sound waves. The fact that the entire diaphragm is being caused to vibrate by an electric field rather than just a small section that's connected to a coil for voice means that they are less susceptible to distortion at high volume.

A lot of the newer planar magnet headphones have a less bass, and lack some of the 'punch or slam' you would get from a premium pair of dynamic drivers. It's a tradeoff, but one that can be sorted out by careful comparisons between various types of headphones.

As a result it's best to spend your time shopping around for a pair of planar magnetic headphones and carefully read reviews from professional audio sites and planar magnetic Headphone users on the subreddit r/headphones. This way, you can be certain that the headphones you choose will offer the performance that's right for your needs and musical preferences. Once you've done that, it's just a case of finding an acceptable price-to-performance ratio. The Monoprice M1060 headphones are a great example, as they combine incredible sound quality with a sleek stealthy design and comfortable pads that rival headphones that cost much more than the M1060.


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